SetFormulas and German



We continue to have problems with the Visio SetFormulas feature when using
German Visio and German regional settings. We are trying to place data into
Visio Custom Properties with the Guard function to prevent it from being
changed. This works fine with using US Visio and is also works when using
US Visio with German regional settings. It also works fine when we use
German Visio with US reional settings, but it fails if we use German Visio
(2003) with German regional settings.

We are using the universal syntax indicator for the SetFormulas call.

Does anyone have a suggestion?



Mark Nelson [MS]

First, please make sure you are using the visSetBlastGuards and
visSetUniversalSyntax flags.

If that is okay then I wonder if you are setting custom property values into
a custom property row of type Fixed List. Perhaps the value you are
assigning does not match one in the list contained in the Format cell.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


We tried again to make SetFormulas when using German Viso and German
regional settings without the GUARD feature, but SetFormulas still fails.
The actual call that we are using in VB6 is:

iReturn = pg.SetFormulas(aiShapeCellList, asFormula, visSetBlastGuards +

This works without a problem with US regional settings and German Visio
2003. Also, with US regional settings and US Visio 2003, and with German
regional settings and US Visio 2003, but not with German regional settings
and German Visio 2003.

Any ideas on how we can overcome the problem?



Hi Mark,

We are using the visSetBlastGuards and visSetUniversalSyntax flags. Exact
call is:

iReturn = pg.SetFormulas(aiShapeCellList, asFormula, visSetBlastGuards +

Further testing shows that changing the regional settings to anything other
than US causes SetFormulas to fail. Everything works fine with US regional
settings. Any suggestions?


Mark Nelson [MS]

If you would like to send me a file with your shapes and some VBA to repro
the problem, I can take a look at it. Remove the 'online' from my e-mail
address and send there.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Hi Mark

Thanks for your response. I am not the programmer that works on this. He
will not be here until Monday the 23rd. I hope that it is ok if I answer
you after he has looked at it. I am trying to determine what is going wrong
without the benefit of his expertise and VB is not my area.

Looking at what is being passed in the "asFormula" array to SetFormulas, we
are passing for each cell "Guard(XXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX)" where a period is used
for US regional settings or a comma is used for the decimal symbol for other
international settings. If I stop the program in debug mode and manually
change the decimal separator to a period before the call to SetFormulas it
runs without the error. But, if I leave the array with all of the entries
as "Guard(XXX,XXXXXXXXXXXX)", it fails. Is this as it should be? That is,
should we not be using the comma symbol that is a result of the regional
settings change?

Thanks for your help.


Mark Nelson [MS]

No, you should never change the punctuation for regional settings. When you
work with the universal methods, you always use English language and

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Hi Mark,

Thanks for the help. This appears to be the problem. We should get it
fixed next week. If we have any further problems, I will let you know.

Many thanks for your help.


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