seting a changing range to sort on 3 different sheets



I have been working on this for a while with no luck. I have a list in 3
different sheets for different departments. I am using a userform to enter
the new data and i need some way to set the new range to sort when new data
is added. i need to sort using column b and d.

for example
a b c d e f
1 Charlie 7-27-07 sick
2 Zach 8-21-07 late
3 charlie 1-30-07 off
4 Steve 9-02-07 late

pablo bellissimo

If your userform is adding the new data in the first available row beneath
the existing data could you just add the following at the end of the code you
are using to add the data to each worksheet?

Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("B2"), Key2:=Range("D2")

?? does this help?


the code you gave does not sort to the existing list this is what i have but
when a different department (that goes on a different sheet) is selected it
does not work.

if you want to look at the entire code i can post.

Dim NumCount As Long
NumCount = Cells(Rows.Count, "b").End(xlUp).Row
Range("b5:f" & NumCount).sort Key1:=Range("b5"), key2:=Range("d5")

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