settiing up clients on a 6 month schedule



I am new to access
I have clients that I need to see every six months. I would like the program
to tell me who is due for a tune up six months after their last one.
I keep track of their address and email what was done on their tune up.
I have looked for a template with no luck.

Duane Hookom

How do you track their last one?
Is everyone due in six months or will this ever vary for anyone?

Could you share some table and fields?

Steve Schapel


Let's say you have a TuneUps table, with the ClientID and the
TuneUpDate. You can make a query based on this table. Add both fields
to the query design grid. Make it a Totals Query (select Totals from
the View menu in query design view). In the Totals row of the ClientID
column, leave it as Group By, and under the TuneUpDate column, put Max
in the Totals row and in the Criteria, put...

You can then base a form on this query, which will show those clients
whose last tune up was more than 6 months ago.


It would be better if it just showed the clients that were due for a tune up
6-7 months ago, if it shows more than than it would be to confusing.

Steve Schapel


In that case, as Duane suggested, you will need to define what you mean
by "due for a tune up", and how you know when it is due. I assumed your
original meaning was that a client is due for a tune up 6 months after
their last one, but it now appears I misinterpreted.

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