Setting a default datasource location



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I developed an MSAccess program that creates txt files, sends them to
C:\Myfolder, then opens mailmerge documents
The mailmerge documents are also in C:\MyFolder and use the txt files as
their datasource.
We have been able to install all files on a New Users workstation in
C:\MyFolder and the mailmerge links remain intact.

Now, I have a delema because the network is changing and the Access program
and mailmerge documents will be moving to
C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents.
and the MSAccess program will be sending the datasource txt files to
C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents.

I know mailmerge Docs will open and ask the user to browse for the
datasource, but our users will not know how to do this.
Is there a way to instruct the Mailmerge documents (vba or macro) to find
the data source txt files at this new location?
Keeping in mind that the location will be dynamic - i.e. depends on the

One more issue - one of the mailmerge documents has a paragraph that prints
a list based on below code.

{ INCLUDETEXT "C:\\MyFolder\\Missing.txt" \* MERGEFORMAT}

Thanks of any help, advice.


Ok - did some experimenting and reading, it appears that My Documents is the
user's default folder
and the mailmerge documents seem to be finding their datasource (on my home
PC ) when both the source file and merge file are in My documents.
would i be correct in assuming that this would work for any user as long as
the source file and merge document are in his/her 'My Documents' folder?

Graham Mayor

If the merge documents are in the same folder as their data sources the
merge documents should find their data files without further interference
(provided there is not a file of similar name in the c:\MyFolder folder).

As for the INCLUDETEXT field - remove the path from the filename and if that
document is in the same folder as the merge document it will find that too,

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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