Setting a field value using a rule



Hi All,

I need to set MinimumHours field based on OfficeName field and JobTitle

I need to apply the following formula:

if (OfficeName = "A" or OfficeName ="B") And (JobTitle = "C" or JobTitle =
MinimumHours = 40;

I did apply the above rule in the following way but it does not work

if OfficeName = "A" or
OfficeName = "B" And
JobTitle = "C" or
JobTitle = "D" then MinimumHours=40

It works if oficeName =B and JobTitle =C. But if OfficeName = A it does not
work. I know there should be some way to group office condition in one
bracket and JobTitle in other bracket but I didn't see a way to do that.

Any idea how to do this?


Frank Mueller \(MSFT\)

Hi Reetu,

You will have to add the rule to both OfficeName and JobTitle, as rules fire
after a node value is changed. In order to have more complex conditions you
need to set the first drop down in the condition editor to "the expression"
rather than the fieldname.

Hope this helps.

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