Setting a variable to represent a union



I am trying to set up a macro which will draw a graph based on a range
where there are non-connected ranges (i.e. A1:F10, and H1:H10). I have
gotten unions to select the given ranges as follows

Dim myrange as range
Set myrange = Union(baserng, subrng1, subrng2)

Then if I do myrange.Select I get the range I would want selected. Now
when I try to put that into my graphing macro I can't get it to work:

With .Chart
..ChartType = xl3DColumnClustered
..SetSourceData Source:=Sheets(tempsheet).Range(myrange) _
, PlotBy:=xlRows

How do I phrase that .Setsourcedata line so this will work? Thanks in

Tom Ogilvy

Assuming this would work manually, try:

With .Chart
..ChartType = xl3DColumnClustered
..SetSourceData Source:=myrange _
, PlotBy:=xlRows

Bob Phillips



With .Chart
..ChartType = xl3DColumnClustered
..SetSourceData Source:= myrange , PlotBy:=xlRows


Tom that worked perfectly. I just have one follow up question. As I
mentioned earlier I am trying to have it graph a non-connected range
((i.e. A1:F10, and H1:H10). Earlier in the macro I have it graph a
connected range (i.e. A1:H10) and when it does that excel figured out
that A2:F2 are names for the entries, G2:H2 are data and G1:H1 are Cat.
X Labels. And the A2:F2, and G2:H2 changing for each data series.

When I do it disconnected it gets it all wrong. It thinks the names
are A1, A2, A3, A4, etc. for each data series (rather than A1:F1 which
is what I want), because it thinks the data values are B1:F1, and G1
(the non-connected data point). Do you know how to fix that in VBA?
Also it has no Category X labels which I would like to have set as the
first cell in the columns chosen in myrange from earlier?
Again, Tom Thanks!

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