J Streger
I have tried to get a VBA control located on a sheet set into a variable. I
first declare a variable as a listbox, then try to set it as a listbox. It
throws an error at that point. I want to save mysel a lot of coding by
coverting repetitive procedures into methods, btu this is throwing a monkey
wrench into things. Thanks for any help.
Here is a snipet of code of what I'm trying to do:
Private Sub cmdPull_Click()
Dim lboPullType As ListBox
'Initialize Listbox
Set lboPullType = Me.OLEObjects("lboWBSID")
'get Departments listed in Listbox
GetChosenDept arDept(), lboPullType
End Sub
Sub GetChosenDept(ByRef Dept() As String, LBox As OLEObject)
Dim inx As Integer
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim bDeptLimited As Boolean
Dim sDept As String
'For each item in the Listbox
For inx = 0 To LBox.ListCount - 1
'If item is selected, add to array
If LBox.Selected(inx) Then
iCount = iCount + 1
ReDim Preserve Dept(iCount)
Dept(iCount) = LBox.List(inx)
End If
If at least one department was chosen, set bool
If iCount > 0 Then
bDeptLimited = True
bDeptLimited = False
End If
'Are we pulling a Heirarchy?
If Me.cboDeptHierarchy And bDeptLimited Then
For inx = 1 To UBound(arDept)
sDept = Dept(inx)
Erase Dept()
'Get all departments under this one.
GetSubDepts sDept, Dept()
End If
End Sub
first declare a variable as a listbox, then try to set it as a listbox. It
throws an error at that point. I want to save mysel a lot of coding by
coverting repetitive procedures into methods, btu this is throwing a monkey
wrench into things. Thanks for any help.
Here is a snipet of code of what I'm trying to do:
Private Sub cmdPull_Click()
Dim lboPullType As ListBox
'Initialize Listbox
Set lboPullType = Me.OLEObjects("lboWBSID")
'get Departments listed in Listbox
GetChosenDept arDept(), lboPullType
End Sub
Sub GetChosenDept(ByRef Dept() As String, LBox As OLEObject)
Dim inx As Integer
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim bDeptLimited As Boolean
Dim sDept As String
'For each item in the Listbox
For inx = 0 To LBox.ListCount - 1
'If item is selected, add to array
If LBox.Selected(inx) Then
iCount = iCount + 1
ReDim Preserve Dept(iCount)
Dept(iCount) = LBox.List(inx)
End If
If at least one department was chosen, set bool
If iCount > 0 Then
bDeptLimited = True
bDeptLimited = False
End If
'Are we pulling a Heirarchy?
If Me.cboDeptHierarchy And bDeptLimited Then
For inx = 1 To UBound(arDept)
sDept = Dept(inx)
Erase Dept()
'Get all departments under this one.
GetSubDepts sDept, Dept()
End If
End Sub