Not having taken the class and not having a full idea about the context in
which "assumption" was used, I'll just say this:
An assumption is a decision/choice you make based on your best knowledge of
the way a thing works or the way you think it should work. You can
incorporate the assumption into your design until someone comes along and
shows you that your assumption doesn't work worth a darn in the real world.
Example: someone asks you to design a timecard worksheet for them. You make
an assumption that entries on one row of the sheet will represent time worked
during a single day. May or may not be a valid assumption, but it is a place
to start working with your design.
P.S. Remember that to Assume is to make an ASS out of U and Me ... and it
usually works that way. But without being given any hard and fast rules or
design specs for a project, sometimes assumptions are all you have to get
started with.