Setting chart series XValues in foreign language


Gail Hurn

I am trying to set the series for a chart.

On an English operating System, I set XValues to
"=('Sheet1'!R5C5:R10C5,'Sheet1'!R12C5:R17C5,'Sheet1'!R19C5:R24C5,'Sheet1'!R26C5:R31C5)" and that works fine.

On a Spanish operating System, I set XValues to
I get the following error, "(0x800A03EC): La fórmula introducida contiene un
error. Intente lo siguiente:

• Compruebe que se han incluido todos los paréntesis y argumentos necesarios.
• Para obtener ayuda al usar una función, haga clic en Función en el menú
• Si incluyó una referencia a otra hoja o libro, compruebe que la referencia
es correcta.
• Si no desea introducir una fórmula, evite usar el signo igual (=), el
signo menos (-) o iniciar la entrada con una comilla (').
• Para más información acerca de los problemas comunes de fórmulas, haga
clic en Ayuda.

How do you generate this XValues string in a foreign language? Do I need to
use a different separator besides a comma?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Stephen Bullen

Hi Gail,
How do you generate this XValues string in a foreign language? Do I need to
use a different separator besides a comma?

Hmmm. It *should* work in both cases, if you always use the US-English version.


Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel

Gail Hurn

I'm using a Spanish version of Office. It does work in the English version


Tushar Mehta

What code does the Spanish language version of XL generate if you use
its macro recorder capability to set the chart values?


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

Gail Hurn

When I captured setting the values to a non-contiguous range in Spanish
Excel, the string was

I tried changing from using L1C1 to R1C1, so the string seem like they were
exactly the same, but I still got the same error. I must have some other
problem, but I don't know what it is. It works fine in US-English version of

Gail Hurn

It only seems to be a problem with Excel 2000 and non-contiguous ranges. It
works fine in Excel XP.


Stephen Bullen

Hi Gail,
It only seems to be a problem with Excel 2000 and non-contiguous ranges. It
works fine in Excel XP.

Instead of setting the XValues, Values etc independently, try setting the
.FormulaR1C1 for the entire SERIES() formula (record yourself changing it in
the formula bar to get the basic syntax).


Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel

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