Setting Class Collections & their Contents to Nothing.



Hi Everybody

I would like to check something out that I'm a little wooly on. I
have a project, and when finishing, the code sets the collection
objects and their contents to Nothing. My query is this; if there are
two class collections, A and B, and a number of objects {C} which can
belong to A, B, or A and B, is there a proper order for setting to
Nothing A, B, and {C} ? The reason for my wooly headedness is that I
am not entirely certain what constitutes a Parent-Child cross-
referenced association, and therefore what to do in that case. I'm
half certain this isn't such a case, but I don't really know.

If you can offer me some advice, ideally by way of an exmple, I would
appreciate it.



Tom Ogilvy

A and B hold references to C. Even when set to nothing, the variable
continues to exist. Setting A or B to nothing does nothing to the things
referenced in its collection. Setting C to nothing does nothing to the
references held within the A and B collections. There is no parent-child
relationship as I understand your description.


With the uncertainty of any parent-child associations put to rest, I
can close out all of the class objects in the usual way.

Thanks Tom

Chip Pearson

You can see what actually happens to the objects quite easily with code like
the following:

' In Class1
Public Name As String
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Debug.Print "Terminate: " & Me.Name
End Sub

' In Module1
Public A As Collection
Public B As Collection
Public C As Class1

Sub AAA()

Set A = Nothing
Set B = Nothing
Set A = New Collection
Set B = New Collection
Dim M As Long
Dim N As Long
For N = 1 To 3
M = M + 1
Set C = New Class1
C.Name = "A-Only " & CStr(N) & ":3"
A.Add C
Next N
For N = 1 To 3
M = M + 1
Set C = New Class1
C.Name = "B-Only " & CStr(N) & ":3"
B.Add C

Next N
For N = 1 To 3
M = M + 1
Set C = New Class1
C.Name = "A-and-B " & CStr(N) & ":3"
A.Add C
B.Add C
Next N

Debug.Print "-----------------------------------"
Debug.Print " Objects Created: " & CStr(M)
Debug.Print "-----------------------------------"
Debug.Print "-----------------------------------"
Debug.Print "Destroy A"
Debug.Print "-----------------------------------"
N = 0
Set A = Nothing
Debug.Print "-----------------------------------"
Debug.Print "Existing Objects: (" & CStr(B.Count) & " objects)"
Debug.Print "-----------------------------------"
For Each C In B
N = N + 1
Debug.Print CStr(N), C.Name
Next C

End Sub

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting LLC
(email on the web site)

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