Setting Contact email rules


Brent E

Good morning,

I posted this question yesterday in a few of the newsgroups, but got no
response then I thought programmers may know the answer. This is my question.

My company currently gets registrations w/ First Last Names, emails, etc.
sent to them from a few different places. We setup Outlook to place these
emails into specific Inboxes depending on which email address they are coming
from. This is working fine. We now need to generate a contact from each
registration that comes in from these emails. Currently if I Click on an
email and that email address and Add to Contacts, I notice that the
header of the email is being automatically populated in the email address
box, and the client's email address is actaully displayed in the box below
titled "Display As". For example, This is what an email address looks like
that comes in:

From: (e-mail address removed) [mailto:[email protected]]

When I try to add a contact from this email address,
(e-mail address removed) is placed in the email address, and
(e-mail address removed) is placed in Display As box. I would like to make this
so that (e-mail address removed) is placed in the email address.What do I need
to do to do this?

Secondly, I would also like First and Last Names to be automatically placed
in Display As box. What should I do for this too? Thanks for your assistance.


Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]

There are on options to set in Outlook to change this behaviour. I suspect
the senders of those e-mails have set a different Reply To address, which is
what is being grabbed for the new Contact.

If you want full control over this, you'll have to create the Contact
manually with code. The best option is to design a rule to run a script that
grabs the right e-mail address to create the Contact item with:

How to create a script for the Rules Wizard in Outlook:;en-us;q306108

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