Setting default values in script: 1 gotcha, 1 question


Gregs List Acct

I have a VBScript function that creates a GUID and needed to use it as the
default value. I read the thread, and thought I
could apply it directly to the "Default Property" field, but no -- you have
use a *rule*. If you follow Scott's instructions explicitly you should be
OK. When I tried the same technique on the *Default Value* field, I got an
error which is documented in the post.

For new items, my text box is now defaulting via the rule to a GUID -- BUT,
when I first open the form, if no records exist, InfoPath creates a blank one
and is DOESN'T default to using my GUID function. Why doesn't the rule seem
to be firing for the first blank rule created by InfoPath?

Franck Dauché


If you are trying to set your default value, why don't you call that
function on form load and set the node value there?
Just a thought...


Franck Dauché

Gregs List Acct

That's what I ended up doing: using form load (or view change). It's just
the feeling that I was *that* close. I can set the default for 'fieldX' to
the canned function Today() and this always works: wether a blank form or
not, but using the trick for calling a custom script function only works when
at least one record pre-exists. Just seems counter-intuitive. No worries
though. thanks!

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