Setting default view in Entourage 2004


John Niehaus


Is there any way to set a default view for all folders or windows in
Entourage 2004?

For example, if I create a new folder, it defaults to show items in groups,
and the columns include Projects, Categories, Conversations, etc. For every
folder, I have to remove the ones I don't want. And if I have to clear the
cache in Exchange or rebuild my database, I have to redo this with every
folder again. Very annoying.

I've looked everywhere I can think of to see if you can set a default, but I
can't find anything. Am I missing something, or is this setting a default
view not available in Entourage 2004?



Adam Bailey

John Niehaus said:
Is there any way to set a default view for all folders or windows in
Entourage 2004?

Sadly, no. Newly-created folders will inherit the settings of their parent,
that's about it. And as you point out below, clearing the cache resets

You can suggest Microsoft change this behavior by choosing "Send Feedback
about Entourage" from the Help menu.

John Niehaus

Thanks. I figured that was the answer, but I wanted to double-check in case
I was missing something.

Thanks again!


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