Setting Fill Handle Defaults



I have read everything I could find on Fill Handles, but I still don't know
how to set the fill handle defaults.

I know there must be column-specific defaults, becuase I have a spread sheet
where (for some reason) some columns automatically fill in a series when I
drag the fill handle and other columns automatically copy when I drag the
fill handle (all colums are numbers). And, often I want the opposite default
to the one I have (doesn't it figure ;).

I know I can use Ctrl while dragging to temporarily switch the default
between copy and series. But I would really prefer to set each column to my
specifications, instead of trying to remember which column is set which way
(by fluke).

Thanks in advance.

Dave Peterson

I don't think you can change the way excel behaves. Depending on what's
selected and what's in those selected cells, and if you're holding the control
key, excel will do what it does.

But if I even think that my autofilling won't work the way I want (or just don't
want to go back to fix it if I'm wrong), I'll rightclick on the fill handle and

When I get to the destination, I'll release the rightclick button and see a list
of options that I can choose from.

It saves me from having to remember how excel works and doesn't hurt too much

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