Ken Schwartz
There are two global options that I want to set when my Access 2000
application launches: "Default Open Mode for Databases" and
"ShowWindowsInTaskbar". It would be easy to do this in the Form_Open event
of the Switchboard using the .GetOption() and .SetOption() methods of the
Application Object. But as is always the case, I have a few powerusers that
bypass the Switchboard by holding down the shift key after entering thier
username/password. So is it possible to run a piece a code(user defined
function, macro...) regardless of what the user does at startup. And as a
second part of this, I want to be able to run a second function/macro... when
the application closes to reset the global options back to what they were at
application launches: "Default Open Mode for Databases" and
"ShowWindowsInTaskbar". It would be easy to do this in the Form_Open event
of the Switchboard using the .GetOption() and .SetOption() methods of the
Application Object. But as is always the case, I have a few powerusers that
bypass the Switchboard by holding down the shift key after entering thier
username/password. So is it possible to run a piece a code(user defined
function, macro...) regardless of what the user does at startup. And as a
second part of this, I want to be able to run a second function/macro... when
the application closes to reset the global options back to what they were at