Setting ID# to 1 & Total on bottom of query result



I have 2 separate questions. First how do I set the ID# to 1 for the
first record. I copied my whole database including queries and forms
which were 2009 records and changed the titles to 2010. I did a
"compact and repair" to the 2010 database. But when I start to enter
records for 2010 the ID# is 2550. How can I reset the ID# back to
start at 1?

On many of my queries I have the results be for example 28 Caucation,
43 African American, 65 Hispanic, 4 Asian, 2 Native American. I need
these numbers separate like they are but I would like a total line at
the bottom that totals all the races records.


John W. Vinson

I have 2 separate questions. First how do I set the ID# to 1 for the
first record. I copied my whole database including queries and forms
which were 2009 records and changed the titles to 2010. I did a
"compact and repair" to the 2010 database. But when I start to enter
records for 2010 the ID# is 2550. How can I reset the ID# back to
start at 1?

If you're using an Autonumber... well, don't. An Autonumber has one purpose
and one purpose ONLY: to provide a meaningless unique key. They will always
have gaps; they cannot be edited; and you cannot easily control them.
Depending on your version of Access your Compact might or might not work; in
2007 there's a procedure at
On many of my queries I have the results be for example 28 Caucation,
43 African American, 65 Hispanic, 4 Asian, 2 Native American. I need
these numbers separate like they are but I would like a total line at
the bottom that totals all the races records.

Don't confuse data STORAGE with data PRESENTATION. Your totals can be
calculated dynamically in a Totals Query, and/or displayed using a Form or
Report with totals calculated in the footer. But your tables should simply
contain data, not totals. Perhaps you could post the structure of your tables.

Note that creating a new database every year is neither necessary nor good
practice! Dates ARE DATA; the date of a record should be data, stored in a
table. If you want to see 2010 data you can base a form on a Query selecting
2010 data. Having the data all in one database makes it much easier to do
historical searching, comparison across years, and so on. You're making a very
common mistake... but it's still a mistake.

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