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Setting IMAP4 as the default store
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[QUOTE="raj, post: 6924973"] I have an IMAP4 account and I'm trying to set this as the default store. I obtain the PR_ENTRYID from the message store table and then call the SetDefaultStore API. However it fails reporting that I am trying to set a PF as a default store. API? HRESULT hRes = S_OK; CComPtr<IMsgServiceAdmin> spMsgAdmin = NULL; CComPtr<IMAPITable> spTable = NULL; IMAPITable* pServiceTable = NULL; LPMAPIERROR lppError = NULL; _NameSpacePtr pSession = NULL; IUnknown* lpMAPIObject = NULL; try { if(FAILED(hRes = m_spApp->GetNamespace(L"MAPI",&pSession))) { Log(true,L" ERROR : Failed to GetNamespace object from App object"); return ; } if (FAILED(hRes = pSession->get_MAPIOBJECT(&lpMAPIObject) )) { Log(true,L"ERROR : Failed to retrieve MAPIObject"); return ; } if(FAILED(hRes = lpMAPIObject->QueryInterface(IID_IMAPISession,(LPVOID*)&g_lpMAPISession)) ) { Log(true,L"ERROR : Failed to QueryInterface IID_IMAPISession"); return ; } SRestriction sres; // Restriction structure. SPropValue SvcProps; // Property structure for restriction. enum { eSERVICENAME, eENTRYID, eSERVICEID, eDISPNAME_W, eDISPNAME_A, eDISPNAME, eCOLS }; SizedSPropTagArray(eCOLS, rcols) = { eCOLS, {PR_SERVICE_NAME,PR_MDB_PROVIDER,PR_SERVICE_UID,PR_DISPLAY_NAME_W,PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A,PR_DISPLAY_NAME} }; LPSRowSet lpSvcRows = NULL; // Rowset to hold results of table query. sres.rt = RES_CONTENT; sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_SUBSTRING; sres.res.resContent.ulPropTag = PR_SERVICE_NAME; sres.res.resContent.lpProp = &SvcProps; SvcProps.ulPropTag = PR_SERVICE_NAME; SvcProps.Value.lpszW = L"INTERSTOR"; if (FAILED(hRes = g_lpMAPISession->AdminServices(0,&spMsgAdmin)) ) { Log(true,L"Error getting Admin service Table."); return ; } if (FAILED(hRes = spMsgAdmin->GetMsgServiceTable(0, // Flags. &pServiceTable))) // Pointer to table. { Log(true,L"Error getting Message Service Table."); return ; } if (FAILED(hRes = HrQueryAllRows(pServiceTable, (LPSPropTagArray)&rcols, &sres, NULL, 0, &lpSvcRows))) { Log(true,L"Error querying table for new message Service "); return ; } char* str; LPENTRYID lpEntryID ; LPMAPIUID lpServiceID1; for (int index=0;index < lpSvcRows->cRows; index++) { str = (char*)lpSvcRows->aRow[index].lpProps[eDISPNAME_A].Value.lpszA; CString strDispName(str); if(!strDispName.CompareNoCase(L"Test IMAP4")) { if (PT_ERROR != PROP_TYPE(lpSvcRows->aRow[index].lpProps[eSERVICEID].ulPropTag)) { lpServiceID1 = (LPMAPIUID)lpSvcRows->aRow[index].lpProps[eSERVICEID].Value.bin.lpb; break; } } } //Query the MsgStoresTable for the PR_ENTRYID LPMAPITABLE lpMapiTable = NULL; if (FAILED(hRes = g_lpMAPISession->GetMsgStoresTable(MAPI_UNICODE,&spTable))) { Log(true,L"Error getting Message store Table."); return ; } spTable->SetColumns((LPSPropTagArray)&rcols,TBL_BATCH); if (FAILED(hRes = HrQueryAllRows(spTable, (LPSPropTagArray)&rcols, /*&sres*/0, NULL, 0, &lpSvcRows))) { Log(true,L"Error querying table for new message Service "); return ; } LPMAPIUID lpServiceID2 = 0; for (int index=0;index < lpSvcRows->cRows; index++) { if (PT_ERROR != PROP_TYPE(lpSvcRows->aRow[index].lpProps[eSERVICEID].ulPropTag)) { lpServiceID2 = (LPMAPIUID)lpSvcRows->aRow[index].lpProps[eSERVICEID].Value.bin.lpb; if(IsEqualMAPIUID(lpServiceID1,lpServiceID2) ) { if (PT_ERROR != PROP_TYPE(lpSvcRows->aRow[index].lpProps[eENTRYID].ulPropTag)) { lpEntryID = (LPENTRYID)lpSvcRows->aRow[index].lpProps[eENTRYID].Value.bin.lpb; break; } } } } if (FAILED (hRes = g_lpMAPISession->SetDefaultStore(MAPI_DEFAULT_STORE ,70,lpEntryID)) ) { LPMAPIERROR lppMAPIError = 0; DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); g_lpMAPISession->GetLastError(hRes,MAPI_UNICODE,&lppMAPIError); Log(true,L"Failed to SetDefaultStore %08x",hRes); MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(),L"Failed to set your IMAP email as Default A/c",L"Error",MB_OK); return ; } else { m_spButton->put_Caption(L"Exchange as Default"); Log(true,L"Successfully set IMAP store as default folder"); } } catch (_com_error& err) { Log(true,L"FATAL : COM exception caught in %s : %s",__FUNCTION__,err.ErrorMessage()); MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(),L"Failed to set your IMAP email as Default A/c",L"Error",MB_OK); } Since I could not fetch the PR_ENTRYID from the MsgServiceTable, I get the PR_SERVICE_UID with a restriction from the MsgSErviceTable and then compare with the PR_SERVICE_UIDs in the MsgStoreTable and when they equal I fetch the PR_ENTRYID. Am I doing something wrong?? Can anyone suggest please??? Thanks in advance, Raja [/QUOTE]
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Setting IMAP4 as the default store