Hi, C.
First, thanks for replying.
As it turned out, I got an answer to this question from Andrew Ollivier as a
result of asking a different question on microsoft.public.outlook:
"I haven't tried it but it may be worth using the Office Tools 'Set
Language' feature from outside the application. That is Start > All
Programs> Microsoft Office Tools > Microsoft Office XP Language Settings."
Indeed, I was able to remove the unwanted languages from there, but that
created a problem in Word XP. I had English UK set there as my default
language, same as I've done wherever I've encountered a choice. Well, after
removing the unwanted languages per the above, I went into Word and found
that English UK was no longer my default language: it had been changed back
to English US.
I've tried changing it back to English UK but no luck. Tools/Language/Set
Language/highlight English UK/click Default/click OK and bingo! When I
create a new document, the language that shows up in the status bar is
English US. LOL. I tell you, Office XP is beginning to exasperate me.
Any suggestions?
By the way, my question on the Outlook newsgroup remains unanswered as well.
If you'd like to take a crack at it, please do. Here it is:
I want AutoCorrect to use English (UK).
Am I correct to assume that the AutoCorrect it uses is the same as that used
in Word XP?
Tools\Options\Spelling\AutoCorrect Options. When I click it, what comes up
is "Autocorrect English (US)." How do I change this to Autocorrect English
In Tools\Options\Spelling\International Dictionaries I already have English
(UK). It's also the default language in Word XP. [note: at least it was
when I wrote this! LOL]
: Hi E,
: I don't know any way to do this, except to keep using different languages
: until it "falls out of the list". I think this list bases on the frequency
: with which you use selections (same as the fonts and styles lists).
: Possibly, resetting the Word DATA key in the Registry would affect this,
: then you'd lose all your custom settings...
: > Tools\Language\Set Language. I double-clicked a language by mistake and
: > is now in the upper part of the window, separated from the complete list
: > languages, along with the two languages I do want there. How do I get
: > unwanted language out of there?
: >
: Cindy Meister
: INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jan 24 2003)
: This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
: reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail
