Setting Left and Top properties for a control



Does anyone know why Access will automatically change a
value in the property window? For example - I would like
the left property of "text1" to be ".2604". When I type
that value in the property window, Access changes it
to .2557". It does this whether I have "Snap to Grid"
checked or not. How can I turn this feature off? I have
three other forms that allow this number to be entered for
that property.


Adrian Jansen

Although Access shows the dimensions in inches ( or whatever your current
units are ) it works internally in integer twips, 1440 twips per inch. So
you give it 0.2604", and it converts to 374.9760, then drops the decimal to
become 374. Converted back to inches for display, I get 0.2597". Are you
sure about the 0.2557 ?

If you set all the text dimensions to the same, eg 0.2604", it should do the
same conversion on all of them, and the text will end up lined up, even if
not exactly where you think it should be.


Adrian Jansen
J & K MicroSystems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control


Thank you for your response!! I did mean "0.2597" as the
value I get.

Why does one form accept the .2604 and another not?

I think it was due to the fact that when i drew the
control on the form the .2604 was the initial left
property value, but when I drew the same control on the
other forms I did not draw it at that position so when I
tried to manually or programmatically change the value,
Access still wouldn't set it at .2604. So I ended up
having to change them all to a number all forms would

Adrian Jansen

Yes. I havent seen that specific behaviour, but there are subtle
differences between physically moving objects around on a form, and doing
the same by code or in the property sheet.
My general solution is to set the numbers directly on all matching forms,
once I know roughly where I want the objects.


Adrian Jansen
J & K MicroSystems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control

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