Setting list box row source in VB




I am trying to set the row source to a query in VB so it can be
dynamic depending on which option is chosen the previous form. The
user is on a form, enters data, chooses Ok, and I want the form with
the listbox to pop up, which it does. My problem is setting the row
source in VB. If I set the Row Source to "test1" in properties it
works fine. I've tried several ways of doing this in VB. Ideally I
would prefer it on the previous form for an onclick event. I've tried
putting the horse in front and behind the cart as so:

db1.Form_searchlist.lstSearch = "test1"
DoCmd.OpenForm "searchlist"

And also:

DoCmd.OpenForm "searchlist"
Forms!searchlist!lstSearch = "test1"

I even tried making it an onload event on the searchlist form, but
none of these work. I'm providing the same criteria in every way for
the query, so I should have results on the list box.

Is there a way to do this that actually works?

Dirk Goldgar


I am trying to set the row source to a query in VB so it can be
dynamic depending on which option is chosen the previous form. The
user is on a form, enters data, chooses Ok, and I want the form with
the listbox to pop up, which it does. My problem is setting the row
source in VB. If I set the Row Source to "test1" in properties it
works fine. I've tried several ways of doing this in VB. Ideally I
would prefer it on the previous form for an onclick event. I've tried
putting the horse in front and behind the cart as so:

db1.Form_searchlist.lstSearch = "test1"
DoCmd.OpenForm "searchlist"

And also:

DoCmd.OpenForm "searchlist"
Forms!searchlist!lstSearch = "test1"

I even tried making it an onload event on the searchlist form, but
none of these work. I'm providing the same criteria in every way for
the query, so I should have results on the list box.

Is there a way to do this that actually works?

Try this:

DoCmd.OpenForm "searchlist"
Forms!searchlist!lstSearch.RowSource = "test1"

'69 Camaro

Forms!searchlist!lstSearch = "test1"

You haven't identified the RowSource Property for this combo box.
Therefore, the default property, Value, will be assigned "test1," which
doesn't work.
Is there a way to do this that actually works?

Yes. Try:

DoCmd.OpenForm "searchlist"
Forms!searchlist.lstSearch.RowSource = "test1"


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You haven't identified the RowSource Property for this combo box.
Therefore, the default property, Value, will be assigned "test1," which
doesn't work.

Yes. Try:

DoCmd.OpenForm "searchlist"
Forms!searchlist.lstSearch.RowSource = "test1"


Seehttp://www.QBuilt.comfor all your database needs.
Seehttp://www.Access.QBuilt.comfor Microsoft Access tips and tutorials.
Blog: http://DataDevilDog.BlogSpot.com contact

- Show quoted text -

Bah, I'm always screwing up some mundane detail! (That is not a
mundane Detail Michael!!!)

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