Setting original Formulas for copying


Jim May

I have two sets of data on a single worksheet, as so;
Short example - actual LeftData = Rows 4-601 RightData = Rows 4-823
RightData is more comphrehensive than LeftData

LeftData RightData
ColA ColB ColC ColD Col E Col F Col G
4 1 Avg Charges 65760.37 1 Avg Charges 45,511 65,760
5 Count of XYZ 2 Count of XYZ 10 2
6 3 Avg Charges 31309.41 2 Avg Charges 29,073 0
7 Count of XYZ 3 Count of XYZ 8 0
8 7 Avg Charges 44233.39 3 Avg Charges 48,608 31,309
9 Count of XYX 2 Count XYZ 6 3

Formula for G4 (at present is):
<< which produces the 65,760 (Cell C4).

Formula for G5 (at present is):

These above two work - so I've copied them (G4:G5) to (G6:G7);
Then copied G4:G7 to G8:G11; then copied G4:G11 to G12:G19
Copying the Blocks 2,4,8,16,32,64,128, etc.. fashion...
So my entire spreadsheet formulas in G4:G601 work fine,
It is just the step-copying I had to do that "bothers" me.
Could I have done this a different way (simplier???)
If so, HOW?

Thanks in Advance..

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