setting page breaks.



My spreadsheet is long and thin so only need to think about horizontal page

I want to say fit to X pages vertically with the pages breaks here, here and

I am using .PageSetup.FitToPagesTall = X

and .HPageBreaks(P).Location = .Cells(B4row, 1)

P is the Pth pagebreak and B4row is the row I want the break before. (Have
tried this as a range as well as a cell)

Excel just ignores my efforts

any suggestions??

Tom Ogilvy

Fit to pages ignores pagebreaks. - just to confirm you observations.

If you want to set the pagebreaks, then you have to control the layout. If
you want excel to control the layout, then it sets the pagebreaks.

You might try setting the pagebreaks and then playing with the zoom setting
until your pagebreak matches the automatic pagebreak.


smart idea, ta

Tom Ogilvy said:
Fit to pages ignores pagebreaks. - just to confirm you observations.

If you want to set the pagebreaks, then you have to control the layout. If
you want excel to control the layout, then it sets the pagebreaks.

You might try setting the pagebreaks and then playing with the zoom setting
until your pagebreak matches the automatic pagebreak.

Dave Peterson

xl2002+ respects those pagebreaks with fit to pages set (well, when you leave
one of the tall or wide boxes empty).

A nice enhancement.

(I'm using xl2003, but I think I noticed this in xl2002, too, er, also <vbg>.)

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