Setting page orientation for a single page


Raphael Goubet


I have a Visio file which contains several pages. I'd like one of them
to be set in landscape orientation, while the others should remain in
portrait orientation.

If I use the page setup dialog box, selecting landscape sets this
orientation for all pages. How can I do it for one page only?

Thanks in advance.


Dawn Wright [MSFT]


In Visio 2003 you can do this by setting the printer paper orientation
inside the File > Page Setup dialog.

In previous versions though, the printer paper orientation applies to every
page in the document. In the Page Size tab, you could change the page size
to "Pre-defined size" and then choose the orientation for that particular
page. You would do this for every page, and then when printing, you would
have to first print the portrait pages, and then the landscape pages. This
is admittedly awkward, which is why we changed this in 2003.

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