Setting Password



Hello everyone

I am trying to write a VB6 function that inserts a function into the VBA editor of a Word document. What I cannot work out is how to write code from VB6 that can set a password to the VBA project. I know that you can set a password when in the VBA editor but can it be done from VB6 at the same time that the function is copied into Word

Thanks in advance


Jonathan West

As far as I am aware, what you are asking for can't be done. Just as well,
because it would be a gift to virus writers everywhere.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup

Henry said:
Hello everyone,

I am trying to write a VB6 function that inserts a function into the VBA
editor of a Word document. What I cannot work out is how to write code from
VB6 that can set a password to the VBA project. I know that you can set a
password when in the VBA editor but can it be done from VB6 at the same time
that the function is copied into Word?

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