setting permissions for different users



I had set up 5 users(all that is in the company) (using the User Level
Security Wizard- using the step by step instructions by Joan Wild) so when
they log in from the shortcut on the desktop we can grab their userid. That
is working fine.

Now I need to modify the persmissions for the 5 users. I would like 2 of
the users to have ALL persmission and the rest to only be able to read and
add and edit data - Not modify data design.

I go to Tools, Security, User Group Permissions and reset and apply the
correct permission for each of the 5 people. However, when I log in under as
the 5 different people - They ALL still have permission to do everything even
though in the User group Persmission is says otherwise,

Any ideas- why is this so confusing?????


When I go to Tool, Sec

Joan Wild

Although you can manage security by setting permissions on users, it's generally easier to apply permissions to groups. Then all you need to do is add/remove users from the various groups.

To answer your question, check the permissions of all the groups that each user belongs to. They will also have the permissions of these groups (you might be confused because these permissions don't show when you look at a specific user, since they are implicit)

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