kevs said:
Thanks Great ideas. I got the first one, JE, let me ask you about the custom
I made my custom view, I selected two columns and called it "subject and
location columns only"
Then I come back later and choose this custom view, and click show.
And what happens is that those two columns get highlighted or selected blue.
All other columns are still there - just not selected.
Ok, but when I go to print preview, even after clicking set print area, it
does not show these printing together contiguously. It just did not work.
In fact, I would hope it would just show those two columns (without the
other columns there) Unless I screwed up Harvey's idea of new worksheet
seems faster. (I'm sure I probably didn't get it right)
Here's what I did:
Assume I want only Columns A and J to print, and I want them to
print contiguously.
1) Hide Columns B:I (and K:x if those columns have data. If desired,
you can change the Print Area or set other print options via Page
2) Choose View/Custom Views..., Click Add and name my new view
PrintView, then click OK. All the settings extant at the time you
clicked OK are saved in the custom view.
Now, I unhide all my columns, add, subtract, multiply,divide, fold,
spindle, and mutilate the data in them. When I want to print, I
choose View/Custom Views..., select PrintView and click Show - if
you have only one custom view, it's literally a 2-click operation.
And when I print, only columns A and J print out, contiguously.
I find it's a *huge* time-saver in complex models - I often create a
project-specfic toolbar with buttons for the different custom views
so the user can flip between them at will with only a single click.