Setting/Retreiving a Cooking form a Folder Home Page



I've got a .html page with VBScript that successfully writes a cookie and
returns the values when the .html page is viewed via IE. However, when the
..html page is hosted within Outlook as a folder home page, the code executes
but without writing the cookie. (I've a got a msgbox in the code that
confirms that the code has executed)

Any ideas?

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Probably security settings when the Web page is shown in Outlook since
Outlook folder home pages are shown under restricted security.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

You can set the security to a lower setting but that is very risky and any
other application could then corrupt your Outlook or Windows. See for methods to change Internet security for Outlook for
your version.


What do you think about just using the FileSystemObject to just write the
information to a .txt file and then retreive it? The point behind the cookie
is to give my users some control over the content displayed.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Using FSO would work unless the user is running a script stopper program,
like those in certain A-V or software firewalls. Those often block using New
or CreateObject so they would block creation of an FSO object.

If whatever language you're using has intrinsic file operations you might be
better of using those instead of a scripting solution to write out a text
file. An alternate would be storing your "cookie" information in the


What sort of issues would I have to be aware of when working with the
registry via VBScript? The fear of registry corruption has been bread into my
genetic makeup.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Well, from VBScript you'd end up using Windows Scripting to write/read the
registry so you'd buy nothing in that case. I missed the VBScript part in
the last post I made, you don't have many alternatives to FSO with VBScript


So using Windows Scripting are there any cavets or pitfalls to look out for
with writting to the registyry?

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Other than script stoppers preventing New or CreateObject (or even
GetObject) from running, or permissions issues writing to the registry or
only being able to use the registry value types supported by scripting? Not
that I'm aware of.

Some people have reported that using CreateObject does work with at least
some script stoppers when using it this way: CreateObject("",
"LocalHost"). That might be helpful to you.


Do you have a URL? I looked, but wasn't able to find anything. I'm assuming
also that the inablity of <iframe> to display items in a folder in the file
system is related to the same issue? When src in a iframe is set to
C:\Documents and Settings\holled\My Documents, the iframe will only display
the contents if it is NOT hosted in Outlook. When its hosted in Outlook, the
contents are displayed in a new window.

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