Setting rowsource of control on subform on open, error 2424


Tony Vrolyk

I tried searching on this but can't find a matching situation and I don't
understand why it doesn't work.

1. I am opening a popup form whose record source is set on open using a
variable passed to it with open args
2. That form has a subform. On the subform I am trying to set a rowsource of
a combo box on for open using the value of a control on the parent form as
the criteria.

I keep getting error 2424 "the expression you entered has a field control or
property name that access can't find"

The code to fill the control is like this:

Me.FundTickerSymbol.RowSource = "SELECT [fields] " _
& "FROM [tables] " _
& "WHERE (Plans_InvCo.PlanIDNumber)='" & Me.Parent!PlanIDNumber & "' [order

I have verified the spelling and existance of the controls.
FundTickerSymbol is a combo box
PlanIDNumber exists on the parent form and loads the value correctly
I have tried this on the open, load and current events of the subform.
I have triple checked my SQL.

So what am I missing? Any ideas?


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