Setting Secondary Y Axis Max-Min Scale



I am stumped and have tried without any joy to get this working. I
have summary by month graph that I need to see a primary vs
comparision years with credits debits and counts for each.

Have got everything working except the secondary y scale.

I have 6 series - 4 column and 2 line graphs. The line graphs are set
against the secondary axis.

The becauase I want to show + and - values and the secondary axis must
also start in the middle (rather than at the bottom which would look
silly) - I have released that I must set the max and min values of the

I am using the following code to set the primary axis:

With Me.ChartSmmryByMnth

.Axes(2).MaximumScale= x

BUT - if I try to set .axes(3) - I get the following errorL

ERROR 1004 - "unable to get the axes property of the chart class"

I have read from other forums that it is because of nulls in the data
set - which is not the case in this example.
Also that a the axis of a line series cannot set - have tried changing
the series type to column and changing it after - to no avail.

Can anyone shed any light on this? Any tips would be welcomed warmly!

Many thanks


Can Of Worms

I have the same issue that I have been unable to find an answer to. I get the
Error 1004: Unable to set the <property> property of the Axis Class

The properties that I am trying to set are:
Me![chart_IncidentList].Axes(1).MinimumScaleIsAuto = False
Me![chart_IncidentList].Axes(1).MaximumScaleIsAuto = False
Me![chart_IncidentList].Axes(1).MinorUnitIsAuto = False
Me![chart_IncidentList].Axes(1).MajorUnitIsAuto = False

I do not think that the Null values referenced elsewhere are an issue, since
the fixes noted do not resolve this error, and the information that is
getting pulled has no Null values at all.

I believe that the issue lies with my poor grasp of VBA Reference Library,
and I am probably not referencing the library correct, or not defining it, or
something like that.

Any assistance to either one of our issues is appreciated.


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