Setting the alignment of pictures relative to paragraph text.


Roy Jensen


When I insert a Microsoft equation or MathType equation into Word, the
equation is 'in line with the text' and is CENTER aligned with the text.

When I insert any other type of object 'in line with the text', it is BOTTOM
aligned with the text.

How do I CENTER align the other objects?

As there are several hundred other objects to align, manually adjusting the
character spacing of each one is not practical.

A page is available at that illustrates the

Keith Howell

This may be impractical but if no one else comes up with a solution -

For those lines such as the the example shown can you not set up a 1 row
table with enough coumns (4 in your example) and set the cell propertes to
vertically centred. (You would also have to set the table for "no borders")

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