Yet again, the format of my weekly report has changed. It is a simple
Word document, one of the things I need to fill out though is the
"week ending", which is always the previous Friday.
I am going to create a template and use that as the foundation of my
weekly reports. I am assuming that with a bit of VBA code in the
template the week ending can be auto populated for me. The question
is: How do I do it? I have many years of C++ and .Net development
under my belt, but no experence in coding within Word.
Word document, one of the things I need to fill out though is the
"week ending", which is always the previous Friday.
I am going to create a template and use that as the foundation of my
weekly reports. I am assuming that with a bit of VBA code in the
template the week ending can be auto populated for me. The question
is: How do I do it? I have many years of C++ and .Net development
under my belt, but no experence in coding within Word.