Setting the min value on the x (category) axis to 0, rather than 1


Viktor Haag

I have a large data set of values that has a zero'th value (values
contained in a C-array). In previous versions of Excel, I seem to
remember being able to set the x-axis numeric values to start at 0,
and incrememt every so-and-so much. Now, with Excel 2008, I can't seem
to figure out a way to start the numeric values starting on the x-axis
at any value other than 1 (which in itself causes odd values to be
shown for any increment value other than 1, and when your array is
over 300 elements long...).

Can anyone provide a pointer on how to do this with the new version of


Viktor Haag

In previous versions of Excel, I seem to
remember being able to set the x-axis numeric values to start at 0,
and incrememt every so-and-so much. Now, with Excel 2008, I can't seem
to figure out a way to start the numeric values starting on the x-axis
at any value other than 1

To answer my own question, and for the help of others, it helps to
know the syntax of the SERIES function used to build a chart:

=SERIES( [Name] , [X Values] , [Y Values] , [Plot Order] )

Excel seems to build bar charts with empty category value ranges
(either X or Y, depending on chart orientation). If you have a range
of associated category label values that goes along with your actual
series data values, then you can specify that range as well as the
value range, and the Axis values get populated appropriately.

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