Setting the scrollbar positon



I'm using a scrollbar to allow a user to scroll through a scrolling chart
(courtesy of Andy Pope). I also have a code snippet that updates the
"Object.Max" property of the scrollbar when additional rows of data are

With Selection
' .Object.Max = "last row" - "first row - 1 " - "offset"
.Object.Max = LastRowArray(11, 1) - 6 - ScrlngChrtOffset
End With

The question I have is, is there a property (something like ScrollRight) I
can use to set the scrollbar to the rightmost positon so that the user does
not have to physically move the scrollbar slider to the maxium right position
to see the latest data?

Thanks in advance,

K Dales

To go all the way to the right:
ActiveSheet.ScrollBar1.Value = ActiveSheet.ScrollBar1.Max

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