Michael Cutter
Hi everyone -
A quick search on Google hasn't turned up exactly what I'm looking for, so
I'm turning to you all for some help!
I've got a VB application which utilises Cyrstal Reports XI to spit out a
report in editable RTF format. This report also contains some graphics which
started life as BLOB fields in an Access database. They appear in the Word
document exactly as you would hope they might.... on some machines anyway.
On others there are no visible graphics, and I'm struggling to see why that
might be. It doesn't seem to matter what version of Word I use (I've tried
2000, XP and 2003) or the version of Windows (ME, 2000, XP).
I've put a document on a USB memory stick, and dragged it round NINE
machines with varying combinations of the above OS and Word. Open the
document off the memory stick, and some show the graphics, some don't.
Initially I thought this might be the "Show Picture Placeholders" setting,
but it doesn't seem to be that. It must be a Word setting, and it's the same
physical document I'm opening, and I'm sure it's blindingly obvious.
Can someone please shed some light into my dark dark world? Thanks!
A quick search on Google hasn't turned up exactly what I'm looking for, so
I'm turning to you all for some help!
I've got a VB application which utilises Cyrstal Reports XI to spit out a
report in editable RTF format. This report also contains some graphics which
started life as BLOB fields in an Access database. They appear in the Word
document exactly as you would hope they might.... on some machines anyway.
On others there are no visible graphics, and I'm struggling to see why that
might be. It doesn't seem to matter what version of Word I use (I've tried
2000, XP and 2003) or the version of Windows (ME, 2000, XP).
I've put a document on a USB memory stick, and dragged it round NINE
machines with varying combinations of the above OS and Word. Open the
document off the memory stick, and some show the graphics, some don't.
Initially I thought this might be the "Show Picture Placeholders" setting,
but it doesn't seem to be that. It must be a Word setting, and it's the same
physical document I'm opening, and I'm sure it's blindingly obvious.
Can someone please shed some light into my dark dark world? Thanks!