That's the difference between a manuscript and a book. The inquiries we get
here are very rarely from writers who have found a commercial publisher for
their books; if they had, they would have guidelines from the publisher they
were looking to meet.
I'm currently dealing with a client for whom I copyedited and formatted a
manuscript, and that's emphatically all it was. The last time I gave it back
to him, I stressed that I had done all I could, and I was through with it
(it's a terrible book, and I really wanted to walk away). Unfortunately,
he's a fellow Rotarian, a stroke survivor (that's what the book is about),
and I don't want to hurt his feelings.
Now he's back at me wanting to know (if I understand his poorly phrased
question) how to remove the header from the document for publication. I told
him to just send the ms to the publisher and let the publisher worry about
it. He said he's self-publishing. In that case, I told him, you need a book,
not a ms. The problem, I suspect, is that he's publishing through one of
these online POD publishers, who undoubtedly have specific submission
guidelines, which I could presumably meet if I knew what they were, but I
have no intention of handing out answers to vague questions at a Rotary
meeting when I'm otherwise *very* busy. I told him, "Now is not the time,"
but I guess I should really get back to him and see if I can meet his needs
(despite my early disclaimers). It's just that every time I get his file
back, he's crapped it up with a lot of direct formatting because he doesn't
know how to deal with the styles I carefully used. <sigh>