Setting up a field with default value



Hi. Hoping someone can help with my dilema. I have an Access database with
a field called DEPOSIT DATE (format is MM/DD/YYYY) and another field titled
DUES PERIOD (format is text, with a defined input mask=XX/XX). What I would
like to do is the have the DUES PERIOD "automatically" populate itself based
on whatever DEPOSIT DATE the user keys in . For example: If the Deposit
Date is 05/05/2005, then I would want the DUES PERIOD field to automatically
enter 05/05 (for month and last 2 positions of the year). Is this
doable? If so, how? THANKS MUCH!

Jeff Boyce


Step away from the computer!

You actually do NOT want to add in the same data twice -- this is poor
design and leads to problems with synchronization of the fields, among other

Instead, record the date in your [DepositDate] field. Now build a query
that returns both the deposit date, and a formatted field, based on the
deposit date. You could probably use something like:

DuesPeriod: Format([DepositDate],"mm/dd")

in your query (your syntax may vary).

Good luck!

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>


DuesPeriod: Format([DepositDate],"mm/dd")

though to get the month and year from the deposit date, you'll want to use


Jeff Boyce said:

Step away from the computer!

You actually do NOT want to add in the same data twice -- this is poor
design and leads to problems with synchronization of the fields, among other

Instead, record the date in your [DepositDate] field. Now build a query
that returns both the deposit date, and a formatted field, based on the
deposit date. You could probably use something like:

DuesPeriod: Format([DepositDate],"mm/dd")

in your query (your syntax may vary).

Good luck!

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Carol said:
Hi. Hoping someone can help with my dilema. I have an Access database
a field called DEPOSIT DATE (format is MM/DD/YYYY) and another field
DUES PERIOD (format is text, with a defined input mask=XX/XX). What I
like to do is the have the DUES PERIOD "automatically" populate itself
on whatever DEPOSIT DATE the user keys in . For example: If the Deposit
Date is 05/05/2005, then I would want the DUES PERIOD field to
enter 05/05 (for month and last 2 positions of the year). Is this
doable? If so, how? THANKS MUCH!

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