Setting up a tracing image of a page




I am building a website for my work in Frontpage and I’m fairly new to it.
I’ve created my homepage and I’d now like to create other pages.

In these other pages I would like to keep part of the layout – the top part,
the left hand margin and the bottom row, so the pages are all consistent and
then I can add the new bits in the rest of the layout for that new page. The
on-line training course showed me how to do a ‘tracing image’ where I could
draw the cells by tracing over the image and then removing the image so you
are left with the newly drawn cells. The tracing image was already created.
However I’m not sure how to make my homepage into a tracing image so that I
can copy parts of it to the other pages for quickness.

I’d be most grateful if anyone could give me some guidance (in simple terms!)


Thomas A. Rowe

Use the FP Include Page component.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


As an alternative, edit your homepage with the new/different material in the
center part of the page and do a "Save As" and give it a different page name.

Thomas A. Rowe

But then if you have to make a change, you would have to update every page for the header, footer
and sidebar navigation.

Doing a Save As is good if you have designed the page layout and included the header, footer and
sidebar navigation as FP Includes, then as you create new pages, these 3 areas will already be in
place on the pages.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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