setting up browser to be able to preview site?



Can anyone assist in how I would go about setting up the browser to be
able to preview the web page before publishing it? thank you...p.s. the
error message I get is "You do not currently have a browser program
registered to show HTML(HTM) files."

David Bartosik - MS MVP

Publisher uses the browser that has been set as the "default" browser for
your operating system. Setting that attribute in your os can differ by
browser and/or operating system.
I'd recommend you google on setting default browser for your os, or visit
the forum for your os.

David Bartosik - MS MVP
for Publisher help:
enter to win Pub 2003:


I have the same problem and every way I can I have set the default browser to
IE8 yet I still keep getting this error message, can anyone help please?


In the future, please post a new question. It is unclear as to what you are
asking and you are referencing a post from several years ago.

Assuming you are using Pub 2003 or 2007, open your .pub file, File, Publish
to the web and direct your output to your desktop or somewhere else you can
easily find the files. Then go to the 'index.htm' file, right click, open
with, choose program and browse to IE, and check 'Always use the selected
program to open this kind of file'. ok out. Test web page preview now.


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