Setting Up for Multiple Users



Can anyone give me a crash course, or point me, on how to set up a database for multiple users.
I've already set it up as a split database. The data tables in the back, forms, queries, etc. in the front.
Linked the tables. No problem.
But now I need to have 5 users accessing at the same time.
I briefly looked at security under the tools tab. I understand setting up the users. At least I think I do. But if I add 5 users and give them all permissions to the tables, queries, etc. will that make it unlocked? What throws me is, if I open a second copy on my machine by mistake, it tells me it's locked.
Bit off more than I can chew perhaps. I'd appreciate any help.


Do you need to use security to block users form seeing certain records? Or
form accessing certain forms? If everyone should have the same level of
Access you should be in pretty good shape already. The last thing you need
to look at is the default open mode for each user
(Tools>>Options>>Advanced). Test by opening on two different machines.

Kevin Hill
3NF Consulting

Megan said:
Can anyone give me a crash course, or point me, on how to set up a database for multiple users.
I've already set it up as a split database. The data tables in the back,
forms, queries, etc. in the front.
Linked the tables. No problem.
But now I need to have 5 users accessing at the same time.
I briefly looked at security under the tools tab. I understand setting up
the users. At least I think I do. But if I add 5 users and give them all
permissions to the tables, queries, etc. will that make it unlocked? What
throws me is, if I open a second copy on my machine by mistake, it tells me
it's locked.


Thanks Kevin, I'll give it a try
Can you help me with another question. I have one out there and was getting some help, but I can't find it now.
I'm trying to create an invoice
I believe I've designed my database correctly.
Customer Tabl
Price Table - each customer has own price sheet
Price Tier Table - there are some generics so I identify if a customer is on it's own or a generic on this table.
Invoice Tabl
Invoice Details Tabl
I've tried to set it up using Northwind as an example. Their orders.
I can't seem to get the InvoiceDetail information
At one point I was able to create a query that woulld grab it, but I couldn't add anything extra to the inovuce.
The details were locked. The rest was open....although, to create a new one, I haven't got that far yet to pull in the info
Am I way off?

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