Setting Up Forums in FrontPage 2003


Dave Purnell

sFirst of all, I'll confess that I'm not an experience web person, however
have dabbled in the WYSISYG world of FrontPage.
My question is... Does FrontPage 2003 allow me the possibility of allowing
users to post to a forum section of the website I've authored? Would the
information the user supplies be dynamic in that the info. would appear on
the website immediately upon posting. I'd like to set up something much like
a message board that allows users on the site to post info. that others will
be able to view.

Again, please keep in mind I'm not an expert. Is this possible? Simply?
Thanks for your kind help! :)


If your site has FrontPage extensions, then FrontPage has a discussion
web among the new site templates (File->New Site - more templates in
FP2003). This should be set up as a subweb if your host supports
subwebs, else publishing may destroy the discussion posts.
Be warned, the FrontPage discussion web is very attractive to spammers,
and is easily broken.
A better option will be to use a discussion web or board that uses
server side scripting, which one depends on what scripting languages and
databases your host supports.

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