Donna in Idaho
Outlook 2003
Just got a new computer, so now I'm trying to get everything to work like it
used to.
When I set up a signature for outgoing email, I indicated I wanted html and
for the signature I wanted Verdana size 8. When I start an email, the
signature is changed to Times New Roman size 7.5.
If I set up a signature indicating rich text with Verdana 8, it changes the
signature to Arial size 8.
What's going on? How can I fix it?
Just got a new computer, so now I'm trying to get everything to work like it
used to.
When I set up a signature for outgoing email, I indicated I wanted html and
for the signature I wanted Verdana size 8. When I start an email, the
signature is changed to Times New Roman size 7.5.
If I set up a signature indicating rich text with Verdana 8, it changes the
signature to Arial size 8.
What's going on? How can I fix it?