setting up switchboard



I am setting up a database for an employment agency. I want to allow
applicants to type their information in a form but restrict them from
accessing company information. I have a switchboard that divides the
application from the private information. Can I put some kind of "lock" in
place, either through macros or VBA that will prevent them from going into
"private" information without a password?

Tom van Stiphout

On Thu, 2 Apr 2009 16:00:55 -0700, 5StarMom

Here is one option:
Create a global variable in a standard module:
dim g_blnIsLoggedIn as boolean
Global variables are False by default.

Create a form, opened from the switchboard, to ask for the password.
If it is correct, set this global variable.
const ThePassword = "secret"
if Me.txtPassword = ThePassword then
g_blnIsLoggedIn = True
end if

In the Form_Open of every form except the applicant form write:
Cancel = not g_blnIsLoggedIn
This cancels opening the form if user is not logged in.

Depending on your needs you may also want to explicitly logout when
the applicant form is opened:
In the Form_Open:
g_blnIsLoggedIn = False

Microsoft Access MVP


If you split the data and give the employees the "front end" which links to
only the tables you need them to update, that will help.

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