setting up the print area




I have a set of data that has been exported from Access into an Excel sheet.
The data has a fixed column width from A to AO, in row 24 going down. The
number of rows of data is not fixed.

What I want to do is automate setting the print area which will include all
the visible data when a button is clicked. I'm finding this hard because
there are a number of columns within the A:AO range that will be hidden, but
not always the same ones.

I also want the print area to incude the visible blank cells from the
("A1:AO24") range above this data - but not the blank rows below the last row
of data.

Also the AP column, to the right of the data contains text that i don't want
to include in the print area.

Can anyone help?


Tom Ogilvy

Dim lastRow as Long
lastrow = cells(rows.count,1).End(xlup).row

Activesheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "'" & Activesheet.Name & _
"'!$A$1:$AO$" & lastrow

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