Setting Word Startup Path from VB


Steve Weise

I currently have an Access 2000 DB that runs VB 6.0 code
to open up a Word Session and then execute a macro:
1) Dim oAppPrint As Object
2) Set oAppPrint = CreateObject("Word.Application")
3) oAppPrint.Run MacroName:="xxx"

I need to be able to set the Word startup path prior to
the macro(Step #3) being executed.

In Word VBA, the command is this:
Options.DefaultFilePath(Path:=wdStartupPath) = PathName

How does this translate into VB?



Here is some code I've used to send various startup parameters to Word
from VB. I'm using VB App.Path to set the path to my template and
actually opening that template from VB.

If you instead want to pass the path in as a parameter to the macro,
the line beginning "objDoc.StartHere CONNECT_STRING..." shows how I do
that. In Word I have a Sub routine called StartHere that is called
from the VB app. From there Word takes over and completes the task.

basWord Module:

Private mobjWord As Word.Application

Public Sub PrintAppointment(CONNECT_STRING as string, lngPatientID As
Long, lngAppointmentID As Long)
Dim objDoc As Word.Document
Dim strTemplate As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strConnectString As String

strPath = App.Path & "\"
strTemplate = strPath & ""

Set mobjWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set objDoc = mobjWord.Documents.Add(strTemplate, False,
wdNewBlankDocument, False)

objDoc.StartHere CONNECT_STRING, lngPatientID, lngAppointmentID

mobjWord.Visible = True
Set mobjWord = Nothing
End Sub


Word "Macro" called from VB - actually just a procedure since macros
by definition can't take parameters:

Public Sub StartHere(strConnect As String, lngPatientID As Long,
lngAppointmentID As Long)
On Error GoTo err_handler
Set mcnn = New ADODB.Connection
With mcnn
.ConnectionString = strConnect
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
End With
Call FillPatient(lngPatientID)
''' call other stuff
On Error Resume Next
Set mcnn = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub


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