Settings for "Unread Mail" in Outlook 2K7 w/BCM & MOA Integrated


Jim C

Hello everyone!

I am fairly efficient with Outlook as it has become my main business "tool."
I use it every day and have BCM Integrated and am having no "real" problems.
However, there is a vexing problem here:

After the lastest MS patch Tuesday (I'm also running Vista-Business with
Office 2K7 Pro) one and only one facet of my Outlook went "wacko."

Sepcifically, if I click on the Inbox to read my mail, all the settings are
"remembered" by Outlook just like yesterday, or last year for that matter.
However, NOW in my "Unread Mail" folder, Outlook refuses to remember the
settings I established, the views or even the column heading I desire to be
displayed. It simply defaults back to "what it wants" meaning (most annoying
of all) grouping my view (I consistantly have to: View|Arrange By|Show in
Groups and deselect the Show in Groups tick mark. Also, this view does not
remember that I always want to sort by the "received" column (it auto sorts
on the "from" field.) Just dirves me crazy!

And, before asking, yes, I have tried the View|Arrange By|Custom to put in
what I want, but this view (the Unread Mail view) just won't remember what I
have established. Oh, and I should also mention if I change the location of
the columns, or add another column from the field chooser to this view, it
doesn't remember this effort in this view either.

So, I'm screaming at my computer for the past couple of weeks. I should also
mention that this ONLY OCCURRS in the "Unread Mail" view. All the other views
are just fine and acting like they always have; just like I set them.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

Jim Cotton
Atlanta USA

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

go to define views and make a new named custom view. If you are using a
customized version of Messages, outlook isn't allowing one-off versions in
the search folders.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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