ok I've sorted the page name problem - just wasn't looking hard enough -
you're welcome, but you seem to be making this way too complicated.
that's what it's supposed to be.
so I put all files in the root of wwwroot and edited the index.html to look
for all files correctly instead of the index_files folder that pub
whoa! you did what? If you don't want the sub-folder then turn off the
option to have it. This option is under Tools, Options. You should take some
time to get familiar with options (my site has documentation).
You should never edit the html source code ( as stated on the FAQ -
http://www.publishermvps.com/Default.aspx?tabid=30 ) after a publish.
Everytime you republish the site the files are rewritten.
I also changed the file list too. This was my first bit of html coding I
have ever done but it seemed the logical way of doing things.
Actually the file list file is an xml file not html, it's function has
nothing to do with the actual functioning of the web site. It's a special
file that Publisher uses to facilitate the Incremental Upload feature. It
serves a purpose to Publisher and thus is not to be modified.
You should delete all current site files and then publish fresh ones.
Surely there is a function in publisher to either stop creating a
index_files or to hide tha when its looking for a page?
Yes there is, as you said earlier- you weren't looking. But... turning off
the sub-folder does modify the file naming convention. It will append the
file names with a prefix of index. I wouldn't get hung up on this either
way, site visitors don't care about your page naming. When you browse sites
do you care about what they named pages?