Setup for issues to me mailed



When someone on the web assigns an issue I wanted the person to be emailed.
I understand you can do this by doing the following:> Open the issues list
and select "Modify Settings & Columns" in the left hand task panel. Then
under the 'Change General Settings' you can set the person to be emailed.
What I don't understand is my following questions.
Does this mean you can't update the setting until there is at least one
issue for the project?
Also, who would have the ability to change the setting, only admin?
Does the assigned to and owner get emailed?
Lastly, once you change the setting I assume it is for any new issues
created for that project, Correct?


Chris Marriott

Hi Cindy

You can set the notification as you described before any issues have been
created ...

You can also save the list / site templates so that enabled is the default
for new projects

The project manager who created the site has the ability to change this
Members of the Project Servers Administrators group have permissions to
modify this setting on any of the sites

Yes this is for new issues or new owners assigned to existing issues ...if
you change the setting with issues already added .. the owners will not get a
mass emailing

Chris Marriott - PMP MCSE MCDBA
UK - EPM Consultant & Trainer


I don't see how you can change the setting until an issue is added. I only
get the 'modify setting' on the action pane when I'm viewing the list of
issues for a project.

R Segawa

Hi Cindy,

The best way to solve this for new project sites (require some advanced
knowledge of WSS) as Chris explained is to create a template:

1. Get one Project site without any documents, risks or issues and configure
to send e-mails to new issues (and why not risks?) in Modify Settings and
2. Save as template and save the resulting file (*.stp) in the WSS server in
the folder (\Program files\Common files\Microsoft Shared\web server
extensions\60\bin) (this will make things easier).
3. Run the stsadm.exe and include this new template in WSS.
4. Reset IIS on this server (avoid doing this in the business hours or warn
users to log off and check in their projects and ask to wait for a few
5. Go to WSS configuration page in Project Web Access and change the Project
Server standard template to your new template.

New projects will follow this template. For older sites, the PMs will need
to reconfigure manually one by one.


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