Setup outlook on 2 different computers



Can anyone please tell me how to setup outlook on my computer and my husbands
computer. The emails are working fine the only problems we have are when we
reply to emails, flag emails, or delete emails, they will not automaticaly do
it on the other computer. The calendar also is not working with the other
computer. I know it can be done Im just not sure how to do it. We had an old
email addres setup on the computers which someone else did for us, and thats
the way it was set up. Both computers at home and my husbands at work
Synchronise with each other I didnt have to do one thing on 3 different
computers. I have a POP3 account. I also have it checked off to leave a copy
on the server & to remove from server when deleted. But when I delete it from
our outlook on our computers it still stays on the server one it stills stays
on our computers.

Thank you.

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