Setup Purchase Order Template to have a automatic number system?



How do I setup a Purchase Order Template to have a numbering system?

I would like to setup a purchase order template with a numbering system that
when each time we open new file the Purchase Order will change number. i.e.,
start at: W400001, next number W400002 etc.

Excel 2003 SP2

Gord Dibben

Have a look at John McGimpsey's VBA method.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

How do I setup a Purchase Order Template to have a numbering system?

I would like to setup a purchase order template with a numbering system that
when each time we open new file the Purchase Order will change number. i.e.,
start at: W400001, next number W400002 etc.

Excel 2003 SP2

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Thanks for the help. I am unclear as how to accomplish this as I am not an
Excel Expert. Is there another way to "Automatic Number" a excel template
each time I open.

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