John Hannah
My Database is for daily allocation of glaziers to execute
repair tasks. A Main Form frmGlazingOrderDetails contains
details of the tasks, with a start date and a finish date,
and it has a subform where the user selects glaziers on a
day-by-day basis. This works perfectly. There is a pop-up
form called frmHolidaysToday which uses a parameter Expr1:
[Select Date] to establish whether the date selected lies
<Between> the start date <And> the finish date, and warns
the user if any of his staff is unavailable on that
particular day. This also works very well when the user
enters the date parameter manually. I am trying to create
a macro to automate this task, called from the After
Update property of the [ServiceDate] control in the
Subform, and I am having no success at all with the
SetValue Action. I feel I am making a silly mistake with
the syntax somewhere, and would be most grateful for any
Thanks in advance
repair tasks. A Main Form frmGlazingOrderDetails contains
details of the tasks, with a start date and a finish date,
and it has a subform where the user selects glaziers on a
day-by-day basis. This works perfectly. There is a pop-up
form called frmHolidaysToday which uses a parameter Expr1:
[Select Date] to establish whether the date selected lies
<Between> the start date <And> the finish date, and warns
the user if any of his staff is unavailable on that
particular day. This also works very well when the user
enters the date parameter manually. I am trying to create
a macro to automate this task, called from the After
Update property of the [ServiceDate] control in the
Subform, and I am having no success at all with the
SetValue Action. I feel I am making a silly mistake with
the syntax somewhere, and would be most grateful for any
Thanks in advance